August 18, 1410
Today I found adog! You would never believe what Ithought it was before he showed himself. Well I was finishing my breakfast when I heard rustlings in thebushes. Thinking it was nothing morethan a squirrel or chipmunk so I paid no heed. Then when I heard crashing in the growth of weeds around where the soundwas coming from I readied myself with a special dagger that Yvonne had given mefor my birthday. I held it in front ofme, fearing a large boar I waited. Thenout stepped a happy little dog. Well heis not exactly little. He is up to mywaist at his nose. He is not much of adog. A little bit of hair with some skinand a few scrawny bones. When I did notgive him any attention he whined for the food I had in my hand. I walked away for I do not care much for dogsfor I was bitten by one when I was young and it left a small white scar. The dog barked and wagged his tailhopefully. I still paid him no attention. Then he howled. I reluctantly turned around and tossed himthe last bit of bacon. He devoured itlike he was a badger hunting dog. Ilaughed at him. He looked curiously forthe answer of my laughing. Then I turnedaround and walked away. He was not justabout to let me just go like that so I let him tag along. When we came to the river I looked at thedog. He looked at me. Then he leaped in and with a splash thatshowered me with water. Then he turnedsmiled and seemed to say, "This is how you do it." I waded into the warm August water. I now have a dog.
September 1, 1410
Today the dog caught ahuge rabbit! He dropped it at myfeet. I picked it up and hegrowled. Queer dog, I thought anddropped the rabbit. He looked at mecuriously, and I picked it up again he growled once more. Weird I thought again and walked away. He followed me and dropped the rabbit onemore time. I finally figured out what hewas trying to communicate. He wanted hisshare. I took my dagger, and cut it inhalf. Gave him one half, and I got theother. We cooked the rabbit and both atetogether, Smart dog.
September 2, 1410
We did not move veryfar because it stormed almost the entire day. It started bright and sunny then I looked behind me and saw a largeblack cloud. That is when the raincame. I and the dog are soaked. The thunder was so unmercifully loud. The dog cowered behind me thinking we wereunder some kind of attack. I went undera huge tree that kept us mostly dry from the weather. The dog was so soaking wet that if you gotall the water in his fur it would fill up half the ocean. I am quite sure. A deer walked by while we sat quietlytogether. How she was a beautifulcreature. And she had a fawn that wasgetting ready to make it out on its own like me.
September 3, 1410
Nice sunny morning,watched it come. What I mean by watchingit come is that watching a morning come, not only means that you merely see asunrise. But that when a bird lights ona rose glistening with dew and sings a pretty song is a part of morning. When flowers unroll from their night’s sleepthen it is morning. When beams of sunfight their way through the foliage it is morning. The morning colours are different then justthe sunrise itself. They contain a personageworth noticing. That is when it ismorning to me. And that was what themorning was like today. After we ate thelast remains of the rabbit we continued our journey on. The path to the Lord's castle goes through aforest so I have to be careful not to stray from the path.
September 4, 1410
It was a muggy, hot day today. The dog is acting like he will evaporate ifhe does not run through a puddle soon.
September 5, 1410
This dog surprises meto no end. He tackled a badger thisafternoon! He was loping along ahead ofme when he suddenly stopped. I fell overhim he stopped so suddenly. Then withnose to the ground he sniffed and snuffled all around. Then he yelped and took off. I did not really care much wether he wouldactually get something worth eating. Icontinued walking by myself. Thenwithout any sort of warning there was growling and snarling and biting andthrashing somewhere in the forest. Ithought that this might affect the safety and welfare of my dog I charged offinto the forest to find him. After I passeda huge tree there he was digging like a mad dog at a huge hole."Dumbell!" I yelled. "Why are you yelling at ahole." Then I saw the reason. He ducked into a hole and pulled out a huge strugglingbadger! "He is a dog that huntsbadgers." I said aloud tomyself. Then the badger swiped him witha paw. The dog's thick fur protected himwell. Then he bit the badger hard enoughthat it died. It appears on closerinspection that he had already hurt it pretty bad before I got there. Then he carried the carcass over to me todeal with. "If he can scratch andbite me like that I am not going to eat it!" he seemed to say as hedropped it. "Good dog" I toldhim as I skinned it. Then he went overto the hole and pulled something gently out. It looked like a large ball of fur. Then he very tenderly placed, not dropped the baby badger into my hands. What am I going to do with a baby badger Ihave no idea. The dog must of thought that the little baby was in danger fromits own mother.